Planning for Spring
by Rusty Gudgeon
Spring is officially here and it’s time to start thinking about getting the club and our boats ready for the season. Inside the clubhouse our house manager, Steve Owens, has made some upgrades in the ballroom. There’s a new sound system, a new large-screen TV, and a new podium. All of which will enhance events held there. Outside, the grounds manager, Kevin Flynn, will be getting the tent up in April. He’s also taking a close look at the condition of our outdoor tables.
Fleet Captain Jerry Schlip will be at the club membership meeting on Thursday, March 27th. He’s interested in hearing from boating members about yacht clubs you’d like him to contact to establish reciprocity agreements. Later this spring he’ll start planning club summer cruises.
For those who are starting work on their boats, please remember to keep the area around your boat clean. Store all hoses, tools, supplies, and ladders under your boat or inside it. Keeping walkways clear makes it easier for everyone to get around the yard and it’s an important safety consideration. At the end of your workday remember to unplug your power cords.
In just a few weeks boats will begin to launch for the season. Good luck with your preparations. As you make plans to launch, please stop by the launch shed to let the yard crew know your launch date request as much beforehand as possible.